Blue Sky_...


Always and forever

Senin, Juni 03, 2013


Biasanya anak-anak yg jauh dari orang tuanya merasa kangeen sekali dgn mamanya.

Lalu bagimana dgn papa?

Mungkin mama lebih sering menanyakan keadaan anaknya setiap hari .tp taukah kamu jika papamu yg mengingatkannya utk menelfonmu?

Mgkn mama yg lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita,tp taukah kamu sepulangnya ia bekerja dgn wajah lelah ia selalu menanyakan kabarmu dari mama mu?

waktu kecil..

Papa mengajari putri kecilnya bermain sepeda. Setelah dia mengganggap kamu bisa ia melepaskan roda bantu di sepedamu, Saat itu mama menutup mata karena takut anaknya terjatuh lalu ayah dgn yakin menatapmu mengayuh sepeda dgn pelan karena dia tahu putri kecilnya pasti bisa.

Saat kamu menangis meronta meminta boneka yg baru,mama menatapmu iba,tetapi ayah mengatakan dgn tegas "kita beli nanti,tapi tidak sekarang" karena ia tidak ingin kamu menjadi manja dgn semua tuntutan yg selalu di penuhi.

ketika kamu remaja

kamu mulai menuntut utk keluar malam. Lalu papa mulai bersikap lebih tegas ketika mengatakan "tidak".
itu utk menjagamu karena kamu adalah sesuatu yg berharga.
Lalu kamu masuk ke kamar membanting pintu.
Tp yg dtg mengetok pintu dan membujuk mu adalah mama.

Taukah kamu saat itu dia memejamkan matanya dan menahan diri,karena Dia sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu. Tp lagi2 dia harus menjagamu.

saat seorang cowok mulai sering datang mencarimu, Papa akan memasang wajah paling cool sedunia. Dan sesekali menguping atau mengintip saat kmu sdg brdua di ruang tamu. Tahukah kmu dia merasa cemburu?

dan saat dia melonggarkan sedikit peraturan, kamu melanggar jam malamnya. Ia duduk di ruang tamu menunggu mu pulang dgn sangat2 khawatir. Wajah khawatir itu mengeras ketika melihat putri kecilnya pulang terlalu larut. Dia marah. Karena hal yg di takutinya akhirnya datang "putri kecilnya sudah tidak ada lg"

saat papa sedikit memaksamu utk menjd seorang dokter. Ketahuilah bahwa ia hanya memikirkan masa depanmu nanti. Tp toh dia tetap tersenyum saat pilihanmu adalah menjd seorang penulis.

sampai saat papa harus melepasmu di bandara. Bahkan badannya terlalu kaku utk memelukmu. Ia hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasehat ini-itu. Dia ingin menangis seperti mama yg menangis dan memelukmu erat. Tp dia hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya dan menepuk pundakmu berkata "jaga diri baik2". Agar kamu kuat utk pergi.

saat kamu butuh uang untuk membiayai uang semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yg mengerutkan kening adalah Papa. Berusaha mencari jalan agar anaknya bisa merasa sama dgn yg lain.

ketika permintaanmu bukan lg sekedar meminta boneka baru, dan ia tau ia tidak bisa memberikan. Dia sangat ingin mengatakan "iya nak,nanti kita beli" dan saat kata2 yg keluar adalah "tidak bisa" dari bibirnya. Tahukah kamu Ia merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum.

saat kamu sakit dan tidak berada di dekatnya. Papa terlalu khawatir sampai kadang sedikit membentak berkata "sudah di blg jgn minum air dingin!".berbeda dgn mama yg memperhatikanmu dgn lembut.
ketahuilah saat itu ia benar2 khawatir dgn keadaanmu.

dan di saatnya nanti kamu wisuda sebagai seorang sarjana. Papa adalah org pertama yg berdiri dan memberi tepuk tangan utk mu. Dia yg tersenyum bangga dan puas melihat "putri kecilnya yg tidak manja berhasil tumbuh dewasa, dan telah menjadi seseorang"

sampai saat seorang teman hidupmu datang dan meminta izin mengambilmu darinya. Papa akan sangat berhati2 memberikan izin.karena ia tau laki2 itu yg nanti akan menggantikannya.

dan saat Papa melihat mu duduk di panggung pernikahan bersama seseorang yg di anggapnya pantas menggantikannya. Papa pergi kebelakang panggung,dan menangis "tugasku telah selesai dgn baik.putri kecilku yg lucu telah menjadi wanita yg cantik"

Papa hanya bisa menunggu kedatangan mu dan cucu2nya sesekali utk menjenguknya. Dgn rambut yg telah memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat utk menjagamu dari bahaya.

papa adalah sosok yg harus selalu terlihat kuat bahkan ketika dia tidak kuat utk tdk menangis. Harus terlihat tegas bahkan saat dia ingin memanjakanmu. papa jg orang pertama yg selalu yakin bahwa "kamu bisa" dalam hal apapun.

tersenyum dan bersyukurlah ketika kamu bisa merasakan kasih syg seorang papa hingga tugasnya selesai.kmu adalah salah satu org yg beruntung. Karna papa adalah sosok superhero yg hebat.

Sabtu, April 13, 2013



It is said and believed that music is food for the soul. This is best shown in how we relate to different types of music depending on our mood and our feelings. Our state of mind and state of emotions decide our mood and our choice of music in turn is driven by the mood we are in. I love sad songs because they act as my best friend when I’m feeling sad and low.

With my collection of sad songs, I do not need someone to talk to because these songs become a mirror to my emotions. The lyrics in sad songs when I hear them, it feels like they have been written for me and I can sink deeper into my lonely, sad emotion. Sad songs have a marvelous effect on us. When we are broken and hurt due to whatever reason, sad songs give us an outlet to be on our own and talk to ourselves. It is not however necessary that one should like sad songs only when they are sad; it is but human to be happy yet listen to a sad song. This is only an indication that we are still human and our feelings have not become numb in this fast paced life; our emotions are still alive. If we are feeling ‘OK’ and suddenly a sad song brings tears to our eyes it is only for us to remember that nothing lasts forever. There is always an end to every beginning and happiness is always followed by sadness, so we should keep our doors open for sadness as well. Pain and misery never knocks before coming neither does an opportunity so we should always be prepared for good and bad times alike.

I may laugh in public, I may fake a smile only not to let anyone else know what I’m going through inside. I love sad songs because they bring out my real emotions and make me weep out my sorrows; my grievances, regrets and tragedies. They remind me of my loved ones that I have lost due to one reason or the other and the emptiness I feel without them. Listening to sad songs not only gives me remembrance of bitter sweet memories but they touch the chords of my heart. At this point I wish to lock myself away from the world because it is this world that has caused me all the pain and grief. Had I not lived I wouldn’t have suffered. So you can see what multiple effects music can have on you.

Sad songs also are a way to melt the toughest of persons and the harshest of emotions.  When we are angry at someone we are rather angry with ourselves; we may shout and yell at them but inside we are shaking. And sad songs have the quality to wash away that harshness in us. Whenever I have had a bad day at work and an argument with a customer or a co-worker; I listen to sad songs on my way back home to soothe and calm my nerves and most of all for the reason so that I may cry and wash out my anger.


Writing a sad story is truly a great art in itself; an art to bring tears into someone’s eyes by your words and not many writers have successfully achieved the reward of doing so. Greatest sad stories that have ever been produced are the ones that are written by the writer’s heart. I will be sharing with you what I believe are the essentials to write a sad story.

As I just said a story can only have enough sadness and pain in it if the writer is writing with all their heart. When writing a sad story one should bring themselves to feel any sort of agony and sadness they have ever felt in life. It could be out of loss of a loved one, being parted from a loved one or a best friend, leaving school or leaving childhood town, a loss in the business, loss of a dear pet and so on. It can be an endless list of reasons that ever made you sad. The more closely one relates to painful moments in their life the sadder their story will be.  Example of this is that most of the sad stories are experience from people’s lives; their sufferings in times of hunger, prison or being abandoned.

A sad story should be simple and easily understandable to the readers and the character sketches for each character should be well built so that the reader builds a link with them. By making the story understandable it means that one should employ a descriptive writing style that paints clear pictures of scenes and characters so that the readers can actually visualize them in their minds. Remember that your words should have a powerful impact like it does in sad movies. The characters as you line them up in your story should be done in such a way that audience should ‘feel’ for the characters; only then will your story be touching enough to make them cry. Make your characters more human than superficial and heroic.

A big No-No for Happy Endings! Yes, a sad story is sad because it does not end happily ever after so bear this simple rule in mind. Your story should leave a yearning and a vacuum only then the audiences feel sympathetic towards the characters involved and cry on their ill-fate and misfortune. The sudden death or a similar twist in the story goes a long way in guaranteeing the success of a sad story but this works best only if the characters are well developed and the audiences are kept intact throughout. Their interest should be maintained at every level; if they lose interest then the story will not have the desired effect.

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your pen; take your imagination to all the points in life when you got sad and felt pain and you will find yourself creating a great sad story that will have the ability to move its readers.